Invest In Wine

Fine wine is an attractive way to diversify your investment portfolio whilst avoiding the tax implications and volatility of more traditional markets. The industry as a whole has outperformed the vast majority of other equities throughout the last 15 years, including during periods of economic downturn.
Investing Wine

Investment Process


Building your portfolio - Which wines you purchase depends on two key factors, your available capital and your desired timeframe for a return on your investment. Rest assured that there are options available for all investment levels. A discussion with one of our advisors will provide further information.


Storing your portfolio - You may wish to open your own bonded warehouse account in which to store your wines, however this will come with additional charges and some administrative responsibilities. WPC can offer a reduced rate for storing stock in our trade account at London City Bond as well as comprehensive portfolio management services for a small annual fee.


Rate of return - WPC offers a biannual stock report to every client displaying the position of your portfolio against the current market. Further detailed analysis is available on request, and we are always on hand to discuss your portfolio via email or telephone.


The decision to sell - The decision to sell rests with you and you alone. Contact our team and we can arrange for a full or partial sale of your portfolio within a matter of weeks. For further information on our deliberately uncomplicated step-by-step sales process please visit our sales page here.

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